Mrblobman's Programming Extravaganza

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Spigot Command Lib

This lib greatly improves command creation and UI boiler plate messages by annotating methods to create commands.


For extensive usage information see the wikipage. Additionally, all API methods and classes are documented in the javadocs.

ChattyBots Bukkit/Spigot API

Special thanks to @pierredavidbelanger for the amazing Java API that made this possible.

Server Administrators

  1. Download the plugin jar
  2. Start the server.
  3. Visit the wiki page to learn about configuring the plugin.
  4. Enjoy the laughs from some of the crazy responses that these great personalities have to offer.


  • Add the plugin jar from the link above.
  • Visit the wiki page for a sample listener.
  • View the javadocs or source for more help
  • Contact me on Spigot if you wrote anything fancy using the api because I would love to see it :D