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add(NBTBaseTag) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTListTag
Append an element to the end of this list.
append(T, NBTCompoundTag) - Method in interface io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTIODelegate
Add all of the mappings in the tag to the item.


build() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson.NBTsonBuilder
BYTE - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType


canDeserialize(Class) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.SerializationContext
Check if this context is able to deserialize the given type.
canSerialize(Class) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.SerializationContext
Check if this context is able to serialize the given type.
COMPOUND - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
CONFIG_KEY - Variable in enum io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTProxy.Permissions
The relative path from 'enabled-commands' to the config key for setting the enabled state of the query this permission guards.


deserialize(NBTBaseTag, SerializationContext) - Method in interface io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTDeserializer
Serialize the item into the data store.
deserialize(NBTBaseTag, Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.SerializationContext
Deserialize the tag into an object of the given type.
DOUBLE - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType


EndTagValue - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
A null value so that the END tag type has a value.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.EndTagValue
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTBaseTag


factory() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.SerializationContext
Obtain the tag factory used in serialization and deserialization.
FLOAT - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType


get() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTBaseTag
get(String, NBTType<T>) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a value from this map at the given key.
get() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
get(int) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTListTag
Gets the tag at pos from the list.
get(String, String) - Static method in enum io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTProxy.Permissions
Lookup a permission based on the queryType and queryTarget
get() - Static method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Get the instance of a TagFactory that supports the current server version.
getBlockIODelegate() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
NOTE: This delegate must assume that any BlockStates given to it are tile entities! There is no exposed interface in Spigot for the sub set of BlockStates that are tile entities so it is left to the caller to ensure this safety.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Get a boolean value from this tag at the given key.
getByte(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a byte value from the map.
getByte() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTNumberTag
getByteArray(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a byte[] value from the map.
getCompound(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a compound value from the map.
getDouble(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a double value from the map.
getDouble() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTNumberTag
getEntityIODelegate() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
getFileIODelegate() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Warning: Reading an empty tag will throw an exception.
getFloat(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a float value from the map.
getFloat() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTNumberTag
getHandle() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTBaseTag
getInt(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a int value from the map.
getInt() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTNumberTag
getIntArray(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a int[] value from the map.
getItemIODelegate() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
getList(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a list value from the map.
getLong(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a long value from the map.
getLong() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTNumberTag
getName(int) - Static method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
getShort(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a short value from the map.
getShort() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTNumberTag
getString(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a String value from the map.
getTag(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a tag from this map at the given key.
getTag() - Method in exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTDeserializationException
Get the tag who's deserialization resulted in this exception being thrown.
getType(int) - Static method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
Lookup a type based on it's id.
getUUID(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Retrieve a UUID value from the map.


hashCode() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.EndTagValue
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTBaseTag
hasKey(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Check if the key is a mapping to a non-null value in this map.
hasKeyOfType(String, NBTType) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Check if the key is a mapping to a non-null value of the given type.
hasKeyOfUUID(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Check if there is a UUID stored in this mapping at the given key.


ID - Variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
InfoCommand - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin
A command that display information about the plugin to the sender.
InfoCommand(PluginDescriptionFile) - Constructor for class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.InfoCommand
INT - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
INT_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
io.github.mrblobman.nbt - package io.github.mrblobman.nbt
io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin - package io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin
isArray() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
isByteArray() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
isCompound() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTBaseTag
isCompound() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
isEmpty() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTListTag
A shorthand for size() == 0.
isIntArray() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
isList() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
isNumber() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTBaseTag
isNumber() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
isString() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType


keys() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Get a Set containing the names of all of the named tags inside this tag.


LIST - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
LONG - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType


NBTBaseTag<T> - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
A base wrapper class to better delegate some of the default methods.
NBTCommand - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin
Provide command access to all of the NBTIODelegates.
NBTCommand(int) - Constructor for class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTCommand
NBTCompoundTag - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
An NBTCompoundTag is a mapping of String -> NBTBaseTag.
NBTDeserializationException - Exception in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
An exception raised when an error is encountered during deserialization from an NBTBaseTag to an object.
NBTDeserializationException(NBTBaseTag) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTDeserializationException
NBTDeserializationException(NBTBaseTag, String) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTDeserializationException
NBTDeserializationException(NBTBaseTag, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTDeserializationException
NBTDeserializationException(NBTBaseTag, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTDeserializationException
NBTDeserializer<T> - Interface in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
A deserializer deserializes the passed in data into an object of this classes generic type.
NBTException - Exception in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
The base exception for NBT related exceptions.
NBTException() - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTException
NBTException(String) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTException
NBTException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTException
NBTException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTException
NBTIODelegate<T> - Interface in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
This class provides read, write and append operations for the NBT data of an object of the type T.
NBTListTag - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
An NBTListTag is a collection of NBTBaseTags of the same type.
NBTNumberTag<T extends java.lang.Number> - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
An NBTNumberTag wraps a number.
NBTProxy - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin
NBTProxy() - Constructor for class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTProxy
NBTProxy.Permissions - Enum in io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin
A list of the permissions for the /nbt command.
NBTSerializationException - Exception in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
An exception raised when an error is encountered during serialization from an object to a NBTBaseTag.
NBTSerializationException() - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTSerializationException
NBTSerializationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTSerializationException
NBTSerializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTSerializationException
NBTSerializationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTSerializationException
NBTSerializer<T> - Interface in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
A serializer serializes the passed in object of this classes generic type into an NBTTag.
NBTson - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
See NBTson.NBTsonBuilder for creating a new instance of this class.
NBTson.NBTsonBuilder - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
Following the Builder pattern this class is designed for chaining registration calls for all supported serializers and deserializers that will be required by the constructed NBTson instance.
NBTsonBuilder() - Constructor for class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson.NBTsonBuilder
NBTType<T> - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
newByteArrayTag(byte[]) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a byte[] tag.
newByteTag(byte) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a byte tag.
newCompoundTag() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Create an empty compound tag.
newDoubleTag(double) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a double tag.
newFloatTag(float) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a float tag.
newIntArrayTag(int[]) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a int[] tag.
newIntTag(int) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a int tag.
newListTag() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Create an empty list tag.
newLongTag(long) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a long tag.
newShortTag(short) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a short tag.
newStringTag(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Wrap the value in a String tag.
newTag() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
Create a fresh tag of this type.


onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.InfoCommand
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTCommand
onEnable() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTProxy


parse(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
Parse the serialized form of the tag and try to build its data representation.
PERM_ENABLED_FLAG - Variable in enum io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTProxy.Permissions
A unique key for use in an 'enabled' bit set.
PERMISSION - Variable in enum io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTProxy.Permissions
The full name of the permission that a Permissible must have to execute the query this permission guards.
prettyPrint() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Print this tag with newline and tabs for an easier to read string for a human.
printTag() - Method in exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTDeserializationException
Print out the tag.
printTag(PrintStream) - Method in exception io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTDeserializationException
Print out the tag.
put(String, NBTBaseTag) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a new mapping into this tag.
putAll(NBTCompoundTag) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put all of the mappings from tag into this tag.
putBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a boolean in the map at the specified key.
putByte(String, byte) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a byte in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getByte(String).
putByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a byte[] in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getByteArray(String).
putCompound(String, NBTCompoundTag) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a compound tag in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getCompound(String).
putDouble(String, double) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a double in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getDouble(String).
putFloat(String, float) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a float in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getFloat(String).
putInt(String, int) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put an int in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getInt(String).
putIntArray(String, int[]) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put an int[] in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getIntArray(String).
putList(String, NBTListTag) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a list of tags in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getList(String).
putLong(String, long) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a long in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getLong(String).
putShort(String, short) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a short in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getShort(String).
putString(String, String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a String in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getString(String).
putUUID(String, UUID) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Put a UUID in the map that can be retrieved with NBTCompoundTag.getUUID(String).


read(T) - Method in interface io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTIODelegate
Read the NBT data from the item.
read(ItemStack, String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson
Read an object from the item at the given key.
register(Class<T>, NBTSerializer<T>, NBTDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson.NBTsonBuilder
register(Class<T>, U) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson.NBTsonBuilder
registerDeserializer(Class<T>, NBTDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson.NBTsonBuilder
registerSerializer(Class<T>, NBTSerializer<T>) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson.NBTsonBuilder
remove(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Remove the mapping for the given key.
remove(int) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTListTag
Removes the tag at pos from the list and returns it.
removeUUID(String) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Remove the mapping for a UUID key.


SerializationContext - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
The SerializationContext contains serializers, deserializers, and the factory used by them all.
serialize(T, SerializationContext) - Method in interface io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTSerializer
Serialize the item into the data store.
serialize(Object) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.SerializationContext
Serialize the given data as an NBTBaseTag.
serialize(S, Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.SerializationContext
Serialize the given data as an NBTBaseTag
set(int, NBTBaseTag) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTListTag
Replace the element at index pos with tag.
setItemIODelegate(NBTIODelegate<ItemStack>) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson.NBTsonBuilder
SHORT - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
size() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
Get the number of tags inside this tag.
size() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTListTag
Get the number of tags in this list
STRING - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType


TagFactory - Class in io.github.mrblobman.nbt
A TagFactory is the class that links the version independent classes to the version dependent ones.
TagFactory() - Constructor for class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.TagFactory
toString() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.EndTagValue
toString() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTBaseTag
type() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTBaseTag
type() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTCompoundTag
type() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTListTag


VALUE - Static variable in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.EndTagValue
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTProxy.Permissions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.github.mrblobman.nbt.plugin.NBTProxy.Permissions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueType() - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTListTag
Get the type id of the tags that go inside this list.


wrapHandle(Object) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTType
Wrap the nms handle in a wrapper of the correct type
write(T, NBTCompoundTag) - Method in interface io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTIODelegate
Write the given tag to the item.
write(ItemStack, String, Object) - Method in class io.github.mrblobman.nbt.NBTson
Write an object to the itemstack.
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